Epic is an animated movie which was directed by Chris Wedge. This movie stars Colin Farrell as Ronin, Amanda Seyfried as Mary Katherine (a.k.a M.K.), and Josh Hutcherson as Nod.
The story (how I understood it)
M.K. when she receives the royal pod |
This movie was good. Not epic, but good. I personally like the story of this movie. But the plot wasn't something new. I have literally seen over 100 movies with the same plot as epic. Never the less it was still a good movie. I didn't like M.K. that much. The only reason why is because I could definitely see Bela Swan in her. She definitely acts like a "damsel in distress". On second thought, the story of epic is kinda like Twilight, and I know most of you hate Twilight, but that's how I saw it. I also don't like that the name of this movie is epic. I mean "epic"? Are you serious? That movie wasn't epic. How dare they use that word. Avengers, the Batman trilogy, and Star Wars was epic. Not this movie. But I still found this movie pretty good. It has a mix of action, romance, adventure, drama, and comedy.
All in all, I found this movie pretty good. But I don't think that this movie deserves it's name. But I hope that someday in the future, I could see an amazing animated movie that is really different from the others and deserves the name epic.
6.5 / 10
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